Keep up to date with what we're working on and what's going on with rivers in British Columbia.
BC Whitewater recently worked to secure public access to the Kalum River.
Last updated: November 14
BC Whitewater is building a database of whitewater reaches in the province both as an advocacy tool and as a service for our membership. Whether it's fighting a dam proposal or campaigning for continued access, it's critical that we're able to say, whitewater paddlers use this river -- and we can prove it.
Last updated: July 1
We're working to ensure that government agencies are aware of, and where possible, actively supportive of recreational use of rivers.
A proposed eco-tourism project in Squamish put access to this gem in question. BC Whitewater engaged with the proponent, the District, and a local non-profit to establish guaranteed ongoing access for paddlers.
Last updated: June 12