Upper Soo

Contributed by Ian Collings
What It's Like
Majestic tributary valley to the Whistler region.
III (with a major portage, and quite a bit of flat water)
Scouting / Portaging
Soo River Falls is a large multi-stage waterfall that has it's own little park on the maps. Very obvious.
10 - 20 hours
When to Go
Sprint to late Summer
The put-in was accessed via hike with pack rafts from Callaghan Lake (travel time to the river was ~6 hours. However, the bottom ~20km could be accessed from the Forest Service Roads.  The upper section is relatively continuous, with active class III at very low water levels (September 2022).  This would become class IV- in more common summer or spring flows.  After the portage of Soo River Falls, the river mellows to class I for several hours before half a dozen roadside rapids close to the take-out at the dam, the takeout is the put-in of the Railway Canyon section of the Soo.