Slesse Creek

Contributed by Claudia Schwab
What It's Like
Low volume, gravel bed, many boulder gardens with a short narrow canyon section (“Keyhole Canyon”).
III with a short IV- canyon
Scouting / Portaging
Scout Keyhole Canyon on the drive to the put in
2 hours
When to Go
21.3cms↓ (Mar 9 07:05)
This description may contain outdated info.

: Check the Chilliwack (at Slesse) gauge, 1.5 is a good medium level.

: Pretty good, few other paddlers, fun canyon section.

Length of Run:
6.5 km (and longer)

Length of Shuttle
: (one way) 7 km (and longer)

Special Considerations: Check “Keyhole Canyon” for wood before putting on. Once on the run you can't scout the entire canyon. Also on the rest of the run: keep an eye out for wood.

: For general directions to the Chilliwack River/Vedder Crossing see (7). The take-out is the same as for the Chilliwack Canyon run on Chilliwack Lake Road 20.5 km east of Vedder Crossing Bridge. To get to the put-in turn right onto a gravel road (Chilli-Slesse FSR) just after the bridge over Slesse Creek on the Chilliwack Lake Road. Within a kilometer there is a branch to the right that leads to the top of Keyhole Canyon. Check it out to make sure the canyon is free of wood. Return to the main gravel road and continue for about 5 km to a bridge across the creek. This is the put-in.

: The run starts with several gravel bed drops. “Keyhole Canyon” is short and steep with plenty of water in it. The rest of the run has some steep bouldery sections and gravel bed character, pretty much what you see from the take-out bridge. Watch for fishermen and their lines on the Chilliwack River.